Sunday, March 10, 2013

What’s your ‘Favorite 5’?

What are your 5 favorite dental procedures to perform?  What is it that gets you charged up when you see it on your schedule and you get pumped that you’ll get a chance to do it?  Is it extractions?  Perio surgery?  Maybe endo?  Whatever it is it’s a good idea to take some time and figure it out.

Let me suggest writing down your top five procedures.  This will give you an idea of what you should be spending your time doing.  If you’re enjoying the work, you’ll probably do it better and your patient will have a better experience during it as well.

Once you've identified what it is you love to do, invest in some CE in that area.  It’ll give you even more confidence and that’s something young dentists could use more of.  If you can get the five procedures you love doing to be your most confident procedures, then you can expand your comfort zone out to more complicated procedures that you've been dying to try.

Honing your ‘Favorite 5’ will lead to
                1.  Increased confidence
                2.  Increased speed
                3.  More enjoyable days
                4.  Better patient interaction

So what are your ‘Favorite 5’?